Entropy . . . zaprasza !
Nie jesteś zalogowany na forum.
Strony: 1
Wątek zamknięty
Days and hours of availability:
A few words about yourself and experience in the game:
Character selection screen (With visible nicks of all characters):
Screen with Your visible raid UI:
Link to armory:
Do You have shadow resistance set (fire resistance for tanks)?:
Do you have other alts at level 70? (if so yes, describe them):
Your previous guild, and reason of leave:
Do you know someone in our guild who would you recommend?:
What can you make from guild?:
Why do you want to join us?:
Do you have a teamspeak3 and a microphone?:
Have you read the rules and agree to abide by it?:
What's the answer? http://m.ocdn.eu/_m/c2431317d4096a284e8 … e,10,1.jpg
Strony: 1
Wątek zamknięty
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